
Summery of Incidents 2023

Having reviewed the 10 incidents which happened from January 2023 to December 2023 we found 4 concerned staff and 6 concerned customers

Incidents concerning staff

Incident details Reason/Action
DA threw his dinner over carer Home from hospital team had not given medication - this was the second time - care package handed back
JR was over friendly with carer Removed carer from the call, advised family
PL threw water over carer Customer would not have understood what she did was wrong
BA hit carer while we were providing care in hospital Stopped providing care for customer while in hospital

Incidents concerning customers

Incident details Reason/Action
JS fell while carer was there, banged his head Guided fall /hospital for observation
IB non weight bearing Urgent OT referral however not responding quickly enough and the same thing happened a week later. OT attended: hoist provided
IS husband shouting at his wife Safeguarding reported but LB Bromley said all ok
AB medication not given one evening Blister pack moved: Advised family
CS three falls in one day Extra calls commenced
CS photo found on facebook Carer dismissed
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