Medication Administration and Prompting

Medication Administration and Prompting

We've all been there: 'Did I take my antibiotic?'

So, we count how many we should have taken over the last several days ago and sure enough, there's one more to take.

Or is that just me?

And if you're faced with multiple medications at 3 and 4 times a day... we'd all begin to have problems.

Gracious Care will provide a service, tailor made to the circumstances of our customer. If a phone call is all you need, we can help with that. More usually, our staff will be prompting for medicstion during a visit for another purpose. And when medication levels are correct, we often see a miraculous improvement.

When Gracious Care are asked to administer the medication we use our software to ensure there are no last minute dashes to the pharmasist and our electronic MAR (medication administration record) charts assure not a dose is skipped. This is a regulated activity and our staff have specific training to allow them to perform this vital task.

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