About Us

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Join our multi award-winning team.

We're proud of our staff. Now they've gained additional recognition from a sector focussed awarding organisation for the dedication and skill they bring to caring. We want you to consider joining the team. Gracious Care will train you and give you the opportunities to make a life-changing difference to our customers. We provide support which meets our customers needs and allows them to remain in their own homes and we can only provide this service with dedicated and customer focussed carers.

About Us

Christine McNamara - Director

Christine McNamara - Founder:

With over 34 years of experience in the Health and Social Care Sector I am well placed to offer the kind of service that I’ve always wanted to provide whilst working for other employers.

I started out working for a London Borough in a department which is now called ‘the initial assessment team’. I have had the privilege of seeing the various disciplines of social work at first hand and I was drawn to the care for the elderly specialisation. I was inspired, and still am, by the life stories of seemingly ordinary folk. I’ve been fascinated to learn about their life histories and these have helped to shape my views and to inform my belief that the elderly, in very many ways, have much to offer younger generations and we can certainly learn from them. Even those living with dementia. Although living in the present might be a challenge and they might need a little help, they are often blessed with clear recollections that they are eager to share.

When I left the local authority, I moved into the private sector, working for some of the best-known homecare organisations and also for a charity operating in this field.

Provision of the appropriate level of care and support is essential and I have an extensive experience of assessment for a wide range of care service including from ‘drop-in’ calls to multiple hours to cover complex needs. I’ve set up and managed a live-in care provision, maintaining many people’s independence, avoiding the need for residential care.

More than 10 years ago I joined one of the country’s largest franchised care providing companies, working for the franchisor, at first as a Business Development Manager, then as a Quality Manager with oversight of many franchised businesses. I found this rewarding in a new way: I was able to influence the delivery of high-quality care to a huge population. What I missed however was the personal relationship with those requiring the assistance and their families.

As a result of these experiences I decided to set up Gracious Care. We aspire to be the best in the field, offering you or your spouse, your mum, your dad, your brother or sister, care with respect, compassion and a level of service ‘custom built’ to keep them at home amongst familiar surroundings and memories.

Steve McNamara - Co-Founder:

My elderly relatives are an inspiration as they deal with increasing infirmity and exhibit a steely determination to remain independent. No doubt they will require assistance in the future and I’ll be on hand to help to provide it but when trained staff are required, I want to make sure that the best is available. I’m sure that that’s what we all want for our loved ones. Care, but not intrusion. When Gracious Care was founded, I wanted to be part of this venture with its ambition to provide excellence in care for everyone associated with us so that, not only the person being cared for but also the carer finds the relationship a fulfilling one.

One of my major roles is to oversee quality audits. This will include having conversations with customers and their families. I will be sending out annual satisfaction surveys and from these I will be able to analyse areas where our services can be improved. Of course, I’ll be available throughout the year should the occasion arise and we continuously monitor our levels of service provided to individuals so that, should you require additional assistance we’ll be ready to step in.

Mikilia Harris - Operations Manager

Mikilia Harris - Care Manager:

Mikilia is so much more than a manager. Gracious Care are so pleased to have her with us as she brings wide ranging business experience which she is able to apply with great effect. This in turn helps everything run smoothly.

It is the little things, that brings satisfaction and a smile to both customers and to Mikilia. Each customer is an individual and knowing their likes and dislikes is what Gracious Care is all about. A simple thing like, a bed sheet turned over at the top, a visit to a favourite coffee shop or giving a customer their favourite treat is the attention to detail we like to provide. When the need has arisen Mikilia has and always will, make calls herself rather than risk customers going without the support they need. 

Mikilia is in touch with our staff and customers alike and will lead by example. She is Gracious Care through and through, living the ethos and displaying the commitment and values that we know our customers deserve.

Aimee Chapman - Senior Care Supervisor

Aimee Chapman - Senior Care Supervisor

Orpington Team - Moving & Handling Specialist

Aimee brings to the company enthusiasm, an empathy for our customers and a committment to high quality care. Drawing on her effervescent personality you can imagine, Induction training, Medication Training & Competancy, and Living Well with Dementia (to name but a few of the courses Aimee delivers) are interesting and engaging.

As The Senior Care Supervisor, Aimee supports those new to the role whilst, ensuring through spot checks, that staff deliver the high standards of care we expect.

And when the time comes, as surely it must, Aimee's experience and empathy in the area of End of Life Care are a valuable asset to our customers, their relatives and crucially, to our colleagues.

Candy Smith - Care Supervisor - Orpington

Candy Smith - Care Supervisor Orpington (South)

Candy has been working in care for just over 4 years.

She says: 'Being a great carer involves a unique blend of empathy, patience, and skill. 

I have worked in end of life care and enjoy passing my knowledge on to new staff. I dedicate myself to improving the quality of life for those I look after giving them a sense of comfort, security and trust. 

I am proud to be a member of such a fantastic group of carers and take pride in representing Gracious Care to its highest standards.'

Claire Thomsett - Care Supervisor - Robertsbridge

Claire Thomsett - Care Supervisor Robertsbridge

I was born in Hertfordshire but spent much of my formative years on the South coast. After finishing school I followed my passion for horse riding and soon became involved in teaching riding for the disabled, a role that gave me immense pleasure, being able to bring so much joy and stimulation to young children and adults whose lives were often plagued with pain. The look of wonder and delight on their faces when they found they were able to achieve something that they had only ever dreamed of still brings a lump to my throat and a tear to my eyes. 

I've also been a one to one support assistant for a young boy with Aspergers. This was a very rewarding but challenging role, and I supported the individual until he moved to his next school. 

I feel that these experiences give me a unique insight and so I was ready for another change. I decided that I would like to return to caring and supporting others. 

After my first week I knew this was something I was going to really enjoy and wanted to progress with my training. I felt very privileged to able to care for many customers, and this was quickly recognized by  the management team as a area in which I was strong. 

I'm excited by the prospect of expanding Gracious Care, in the Rye and Robertsbridge area.

I particularly enjoy going out to meet new customers and their families, and explain to them about the services we can offer to support them. The gratitude we receive and the messages of thanks, leave you feeling that you really are able to make a difference and although some days can be tough, it’s heartwarming to know how much better off these customers are now they have the wonderful care and support of our incredible Gracious Care team.

What more can I say other than, I consider myself to be an incredibly lucky to be given this opportunity.

Paul Appleton - Medication Auditor

Paul Appleton - Medication Auditor

In common with many in the caring professions, I had been the recipient of health care, following an operation. I’d been a builder and I hadn’t even considered anything else but whilst I was convalescing, I took voluntary work as a caretaker and driver for a day centre for the elderly.

This was a complete change of direction and way outside my previous experience but I found the work rewarding. Having the opportunity to speak with so many interesting people who were happy to share anecdotes from a lifetime of experiences made the day fly past and I realised that this was the way I wanted to spend my time. The company I worked for, moved to a care home and I moved with them. The care home offered me training and I gained confidence to care for the folk who needed me. All that was 13 years ago.

Now I’m with Gracious Care and they’ve given me another string to my bow: in addition to working with so many amazing elderly and infirm people, I’m now a Medication Auditor, ensuring that prescribed drugs are being given correctly at the right dose, allowing more folk to live their best life.

Sun slanting through woodland to illustrate sustainability

We care for people and we care for the environment too!

We practice sustainable healthcare. This means delivering care in a way that maximises positive health outcomes whilst avoiding financial waste and harmful environmental and social impacts. This 'triple bottom line' includes financial, social and environmental considerations.

We only use PPE when it is needed. For example;

  • To prevent cross infection.
  • When coming into contact with any and all bodily fluids. 
  • Use of cleaning fluids where other reusable gloves are not available. 
  • To prepare and administer medication.
  • Changing a bed

We won't waste PPE:

  • Preparing Food
  • Washing Up 
  • Carrying our Housework tasks. 
  • Cooking
  • Whilst providing Companionship or Support visits.

And our office teams:

  • Recycle and shred, where required, any paper that comes into the office.
  • When scheduling try to reduce travel times between calls.
  • To print out only the most necessary paperwork. 
  • Utilise the website for information for our customers: for example, no paper brochure.
  • When we have printed confidential information, this is scanned and then shredded to go into paper waste.
Christine during recording session at Cinque Ports Radio

Gracious Care has got our own radio star. Christine was invited into the Cinque Ports Radio 'Business Bunker' This is a regular 2½ hour slot where local business people comment about commerial, retail, financial and general business pleasures and pressures which affect everyone in the Cinque Ports Radio area.

Thank you for all your kind comments about Gracious Care and its values and also about Christine's contributions to the discussion.

Christine has been invited back into the Business Bunker  in October.

Keep listening - keep giving us the feedback. You know that we're passionate about good quality home care. Let us know what stirs you up in this regard - Christine might even give you and your home care issues a mention.

And what's more...

Christine and Mikilia have been interviewed by Made in Kent Radio. You can hear them talking about Gracious Care and a little of what we have to offer by clicking here: VoiceLink-Studio1

Cinque Ports Radio logo
Made in Kent Radio logo
Customer receiving Christmas gift of blanket from Gracious Care

Customer Christmas Gift

We pride ourselves that Gracious Care staff are always able to make a real difference to our customers and just by caring, we will always improve their quality of life. We'd like to be able to wrap them all in a warm blanket, all the year round, so we thought, for this festive season we'd really do it! Happy Christmas, with love from Gracious Care.

Customer Christmas gift under the tree
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