

Gracious Care Shopping Service

From time to time, a customer may need either an escorted shopping service or to have Gracious Care shop for them. We would always manage this in a risk-based, planned manner.

Gracious Care aims to ensure that the service is put into place only after a series of checks are considered, and agreed upon with the Customer, their family or their representative.

Shopping with or for a customer involves handling money in some form and Gracious Care has a carefully considered approach to supporting a customer who requires help with the use of their money or finances as part of their Care and Support. Any help we provide in respect of customer money is based on a sound, open, honest and transparent basis and the highest standards of probity are followed at all times.

Shopping trip change recording

Gracious Care follows as a general rule that the Customer will retain control of their own money and will only turn to the company staff for help in exceptional circumstances. Gracious Care sees this both as the right of the Customer and as a means of retaining their independence and ability to choose how they live their lives.

Gracious Care also accepts that a customer might occasionally ask staff to handle money on their behalf. We also accept that a customer might lack the mental capacity to manage their own money and therefore require some help from staff with their financial arrangements. We acknowledge that these situations could place a customer at risk and we have the most stringent policies in place to reassure customers. The posibilities when handling customer money include, especially in the context of dementia, misunderstandings and possibly false allegations.  Gracious Care has considered the implications of The Mental Capacity Act 2005 in respect of any customer who might lack the capacity to make decisions over their financial transactions and affairs and our policies help to avoid those pitfalls. For example, a photo is taken when being passed a customer's cash and when the shopping and change is returned.

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