
Summery of Complaints 2023

Having reviewed the 11 complaints we received from January 2023 to December 2023 we found all except 3 were non-serious complaints.

Non-serious complaints

Complaint details Reason/Action
Mrs R - Call 15 mins late Apologised but reminder her that the call can be 15 mins either side of the agreed time
Mrs P - Call 25 mins late Apologised - new road works, that we were not aware of.
Mrs B - Call late and not informed Discussed that this was emergency support for his wife at late notice and we had said he would need to be flexible with the times
Mrs C - Call 15 mins too early Apologised but reminder her that the call can be 15 mins either side of the agreed time
Mr S - Did not like the carer Carer removed from calls
Mrs E & Mrs O - Carer too loud Carer removed from calls
Mrs R - Carer did not stop talking Carer removed from calls
Mr K - daughter complained that carer was on her phone while caring for her father Carer was recording medication using our app on her phone

Serious complaints

Serious Complaint Details Reason/Action
Mr S & Mr N - The carer has become too familiar, had crossed professional boundaries Following investigation, carer dismissed
Mrs D - Home from hospital We were not informed of her discharge by either family or hospital
Mrs T - Carer did not attend. The office did not receive a call. Following investigation, carer dismissed
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