homecare with expertise and a personal touch

  • Gentleman being offered a blue cardigan by a carer.

    Simple assistance with those everyday hurdles ...

    You might not need our full home care service but a drop-in call to help with ablutions or meal prep might be just the ticket

  • Gentleman assisted by a walking frame, chatting with a carer

    ... or simply getting a breath of fresh air ...

    Feeling the wind on your face and the sun on your back. We can be there giving the friendly reassurance of help in all eventualities.

  • Gentleman and carer having a cuppa whilst filling in some paperwork

    Slide title

    ... and when the work's done ...

    if there's time, we can settle down with a nice cuppa

  • Black and white picture of a cute little girl using an old fashioned phone to illustrate 'getting in touch'

    Slide title

    ... just give us a call

    For a free review and assessment of needs. We're here to help


Our promise to you

By your side when you need help

Gentleman assisted by a walking frame, chatting with a carer

Gracious Care is for anyone who wishes to remain independent in their own home but requires a level of help. Read more about who Gracious Care is for and how our fully trained support team can help you in both domestic and personal care tasks. 

Perhaps you have lost confidence following a fall or support is needed after either minor surgery or an extended spell in hospital. Or maybe you or your loved one has had a dementia diagnosis would like more support or a live-in carer to assist you so that you can give more time and attention to care for a loved one. Whatever your need, the extra help of Gracious Care home care and personal care services can make all the difference to the way you can live your life.

Gracious Care visits can start from as little as 30 minutes. We offer a full range of options for various duration of assistance according to your requirements including up to several visits a day or multiple hours of care such as a sitting service for your loved one giving you the opportunity to revitalise yourself.

Care from our Rye Office

Cinque Ports Radio Logo

Listen to our ads on Cinque Ports Radio

As we raise our profile and promote our services in Rye, Robertsbridge and the surrounding areas we have commissioned ads to be played by this great local radio station


We started using Gracious Care for our elderly mother and have been so happy with the service from the very beginning. Christine came initially to meet us all and took notes of everything we needed from our carer. The carer has been lovely, all visits are on time....

For more testimonials click here.

Carer with 3 year service certificate and sunflowers

Congratulations to Lesley - 3 years with Gracious Care

Thank you Lesley, for your loyalty to us and also for your loyalty and hard work for your customers.

Carer with 1st Year of Service certificate

Congratulations to June - an amazing first year with Gracious Care

Thank you June, for the care you've given to our customers.

Carol celebrates with her first year of service certificate and a spray of roses

A big 'Well Done' to Carol, also celebrating 1 year with Gracious Care

You're a star to us - imagine what it means to the folk you're helping!

Carer receiving End of Life Carer Award 2024

Jakki - well done for being awarded 'Gracious Care End of Life Carer 2024'.

Our lovely customer, Mr D was honoured to present Jakki with her award  since Jakki had cared for his good friend (also our customer) who passed away earlier this year. End of life care is such a privilage and Jakki is deserving of this accolade.

Charley receiving her 'Newcomer of the Year' award from one of her lovely customers

Congratulations Charley

What an amazing start with Gracious Care. Thank you for all you're doing for our customers. 'Newcomer of the Year' is a thoroughly well deserved award.

Carer presented by a customer with her 2024 Dementia Carer of the Year award

Congratulations to Belinda - Dementia Carer of the Year

It's been said elsewhere that we value all our staff. Of course we do. Our awards are to mark excellence. Belinda has excelled. A big 'thank you' from the management team and of course, a huge 'thank you' from our customers, who've been the grateful recipients of your care.

Dementia in the News

There are plenty of examples of good care practice we can share with you and we're always scanning the news for more that we can all learn from.

It's important to be careful to assess risks associated with chemicals, drugs and cleaning products in connection with those living with dementia. This BBC item is a case in point.


1st April - but this is no joke!

Due to increasing demand outside our Orpington area, we are launching the business in Beckenham & West Wickham area. We are recruiting locally so whether or not you have experience in home care, please give us a call. We offer flexible hours, full training and a friendly and supportive team.

For more details, telephone 0203 488 7890

Dementia companions
Gracious Care is now able to provide a Dementia Companion Service to people’s homes, offering crafts, games and developing personalised memory books. The service is available from 10am seven days a week until 6pm (Minimum length of call is 2 hours). For more information call 0203 488 7890/01689 854747 

Carer of the year for 2024 announced. Congratulations to Kinga.

Carer presented by a customer with her 2024 Carer of the Year award

Life in ... magazine - click here to see the article on page 31

Christine has been invited to answer an 'Ask the Experts' feature. This is a great opportunity to draw attention to our advocacy and signposting. We're always ready to assist in negotiating the care maze.


We was robbed!

We'd thought you'd like to know that, although we didn't win an award at this years ABBBA's, we'll be back next year. However, some of our hard working team had a great evening

Mikilia and Christine at the 2024 awards ceremony

Prestige Awards 2024 - Homecare Specialist

Award winner - 3rd year running.

We're proud to report the judges comments which help to articulate our commitment and enthusiasm for providing the highest quality service: 

The judges were particularly impressed by the personal touch, which comes as part of the service at Gracious Care. The professional team take the time to get to know their customers, understanding their individual needs and devising bespoke schedules of care to ensure their requirements are consistently met to a high standard. The care providers are more than just hired help, they are friends and pillars of support for clients. Families are always grateful for Gracious Care’s inherent respect and consideration, meaning they can be confident they’re leaving their loved ones in the right hands.

Made in Kent Radio Logo

...and our latest media: Listen to Gracious Care on your wireless

You can hear Christine and Mikilia talking about Gracious Care and a little of what we have to offer by clicking here: VoiceLink-Studio1

Christmas Jumper Day

  • Christmas jumper day. We're on course to raise upwards of £60 for the 'Save the Children' appeal - and we had a laugh too!!

    Christmas Jumper Day in Orpington

    We're on course to raise upwards of £60 for the 'Save the Children' appeal - and we had a laugh too!!

  • Robertsbridge Manager Claire with Christine, preparing staff Christmas gifts

    Robertsbridge office Christmas Jumpers

    and we're getting our staff Christmas presents ready

  • Orpington office staff. Candy is dressed as an elf. Ours is a premium Elf service.

    A first class ELF service

    ... soooo much fun!

  • Christmas Jumper day. Lesley with one of her customers


    with one of her lovely customers

  • Christmas Jumper day. Paul, a member of staff, in a Christmas hat, with one of his customers


    that's not a Christmas jumper Paul!!! Well done - it counts

  • Christmas Jumper day. New member of staff with one of her customers


    You're a good sport. By the way, welcome to the team


homecare for dementia support and the elderly

Services we offer include:

Our staff undergo rigorous training in a wide range of tasks and they are ready to assist you. They have been assessed to a high standard. They will receive ongoing support, supervision and monitoring. Every care is taken to ensure that you and your loved ones will get the care that we will be proud to deliver, always aiming at a standard which exceeds your expectations.

We understand that sometimes it can be a difficult decision to ask for help. We want you to remain independent and we can help you to achieve that. With our help to carry out some of the more onerous, time consuming or energy sapping tasks, your time and energy can be freed to enjoy life and to experience more fulfilling time. We encourage you to call us for a confidential and free consultation. You will be talking to a company with 35 years’ experience in care who fully understand and sympathise with your new situation. 

Contact us today for an informal chat about our services and how we can support you or your loved one at home.

Office Hours

Head Office (Orpington)

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun

 +44 1689 854747

Office Hours

Beckenham & West Wickham Office (Satellite)

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun

 +44 203 488 7890

Rye Office (Satellite) (Ashford, South Kent)

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun

  +44 1797 223804

East Sussex Office (Satellite) (Bexhill, Robertsbridge and surrounding area)

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun

  +44 1323 920226

We operate a 24 hour Emergency Line for staff and customers

Send Us a Message

Send Us a Message

Any personal data submitted as part of this form will only be used for the purposes of contacting you concerning services we can provide to you. It will not be kept or used for other purposes. Any personal data will be deleted after the conclusion of the enquiry.

Let your kin know about Gracious Care

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UK Homecare Association membership logo

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The ABBBAS 2024 nomination logo
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